Sunday, August 08, 2010

One Person's Opinion

We might as well sing "nobody nobody buy you!"......

So everybody has their prejudices. Does Fr. have a thing against us or what??????
Chey, I attended 6pm choir last week......aiyoh.....ok, hmmmm.

I thought we sounded awesome!
More awesome than during practise even!
No Omph?
says who? Got! Got lots of omph!

Moral of the story: Read the CN today. "Ego, God and ministry"
And think about it.

Actually, if we REACT. We'll always be scrampering about, cos we are trying to please.
We do this, one day, this comment.
We do another thing, another day, still got comment.
So......we CANNOT base our judgement based on that one person's opinion, can we?

I guess not.
So what to do?

Let's just mull it over.
Let's chew on it.
Let's contemplate and see if there is value in that comment.
Let's not REACT.
There might be a gem to that withhold judgement first.

I think people just want to leave cos we sang Thanksgiving, then Nat'l anthem, then Recessional.....
and I think people just want to get out of the church.

So really, maybe it has nothing to do with the choice of the recessional hymn at all.

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