Wednesday, May 01, 2013

New Conductor, New Beginning

1 May, 2013

It has been a long while. I have not touched any of my blogs for a long time. I have been away. On facebook mostly.

Things are actually looking good at SCC. 3 weeks ago, Matthew Chua joined us as new conductor. He brought in his own expertise of vocal training. We have very interesting vocal warm-ups, with a long term plan to improve our lung capacity and hopefully our singing.

Another concern is the aging population of SCC. But looking on the bright side, we hope to have a rejuvenation of new blood. Last Saturday, Joseph 16 year old lad bravely played the Kyrie on the pipe organ. Of course, guess who is standing behind him holding her breadth?

Happy Labour Day folks.
ps. Silliwilly just retired too.


maryanne said...

Fr Mike said the new conductor is very good and the choir sang very well. Other parishioners shared the same view. We also have a new girl prepared to play. Looked scared but managed the Sanctus well yesterday

DC said...

Praise the Lord!
The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few.
Or rather getting old and tired...hehe.